Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School

Well, we started school yesterday and it was a major flop!! I decided this year that I was going to crack down! We have been too lax and let things slip through the crack the last few years due to Chaos and moving. So, I decided we were going to buckle down and get back on track.

First day comes along and we go over our expectations for the year. Here's a copy of our expectations. Too harsh? Like I said, we have been pretty relaxed the past few years and I really want to get back on track. And we've had problems with the boys skipping their assignments even when they are clearly written on their assignment sheets.

2011-12 School Year Expectations

  • All work must be written neatly and properly, otherwise it will be redone until it is deemed acceptable.
  • No privileges until chores and schoolwork are done properly. If bad habit continues, loss of privileges until the end of term will result.
  • Poems are to memorized by date due. If not, privileges will be revoked. Privileges will be reinstated AFTER that poem and the next poem are memorized.
  • Math Problems: ALL work is to be shown. If not, entire assignment will be redone.
  • Writing Assignments: Please take the time to do it right the first time. Sloppy work will be unacceptable and assignment will be redone until it is acceptable.
  • Complaining will not be tolerated and will result in loss of privileges and/or more work.
  • If Mom is working with someone and you need help, please wait your turn. Mom will give you the attention you need, but please remember, there are 4 students that all need Mom at some point.
  • Please help with brothers while Mom is working with someone. That way she can focus on the child at hand without interruption. If you don’t want to be interrupted when Mom is working with you, don’t let her get interrupted when she is working with someone else.
  • New expectations can and will be included later as necessary.

Privileges = video games, tv, movies, computer, friends, facebook, phone games, ipod touch

So, of course they weren't too happy with that!

Pokemon King didn't do well on his Math or English. So, we went over them together. I don't understand how he does fine when we go over the oral section together, but when he goes to do his assignment, he doesn't do well at all. Math he always seems to make the silly mistakes. He understands the concepts, which is good, but he still needs to be able to do well on the assignments. For English, I'm debating on switching programs. We've been using Rod & Staff. I know it's a little dry, but it's always seemed to get the job done. Now, it's almost like a foreign language. (even for me!) Any suggestions? I was looking at Abeka yesterday and considering that.

Dinodude did ok, but his work wasn't very neat, so he got upset when I told him it needed redone. (Mean Mom!!) The only one that did well was Rocket and he actually had more than his brothers! Go figure!

So, today is now messed up, because I said they could have a sleepover with some friends. Their friends aren't starting school until next week, so I thought it would be nice of me to let them have one last sleepover. Plus, it seemed like we all needed a break from yesterday's fiasco!

So, we shall see how tomorrow turns out! Wish us luck!!!