Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rocket's Bedtime

As I was putting Rocket to bed tonight, he walked into his room and immediately said we needed to read his scriptures. I agreed. We sit down to read and here's our conversation:

MOM: Remember what we talked about last night?

ROCKET: Hmmm. Nope.

MOM: The baby in the basket?

ROCKET: (very excitedly!) Yeah! What was his name?

MOM: Moses.

ROCKET: That's right...Moses! He turned into a baby!

MOM: Well, he was a baby. Then he grew into a man. He lived in Egypt.

ROCKET: Egypt? Is Egypt in earth? 

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: We live in earth!

MOM: Yes we do.

ROCKET: Where is it?

MOM: Let's go look at the globe. (We go into the schoolroom to look on the globe. I point out where we are, then I point out where Egypt is. It's purple on our globe.)

ROCKET: The purple one? That's far! What's this one? (he points to the yellow country next to Egypt)

MOM: That's Libya.

ROCKET: What's this one? (he points to green one next to Libya)

MOM: That's Algeria.

ROCKET: What's this one? (he points to a pink one)

MOM: That's China.

ROCKET: China? Have I been to China?

MOM: No.

ROCKET: Oh....Have I been to Egypt?

MOM: No.

ROCKET: Oh. (We go back upstairs to read the rest of the scripture reading. I start talking about how Moses killed an Egyptian.) He killed him?

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: Wow. Moses was a baby and then he grew into a man?

MOM: Yes. (I continue reading getting to the burning bush.)

ROCKET: Where is he now?

MOM: He's on the mountain. The bush is on fire, but it's not really burning. It's a miracle.

ROCKET: What's a miracle?

MOM: A miracle is something great that happens. You're a miracle.

ROCKET: I'm a miracle?

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: Where's fire at?

MOM: Well, fire can be anywhere.

ROCKET: Is there fire in China?

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: Is there fire in Egypt?

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: Is there fire in...........(very long pause!).....what's that yellow one?

MOM: Libya?

ROCKET: Yeah! (extremely excited!) Is there fire in Libya?

MOM: Yes.

ROCKET: I've been to China.

I love this little boy! I love our nighttime conversations. He has such an imagination and he is so innocent. Why can't he stay like this forever?!


Elyse said...

its like that book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie! So cute!! :)

Maria said...

How sweet! I could just hear his little voice as I read this.

Ulli said...

You're so patient! He's soooo cute and smart!!