Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our First Week Back

All in all, I'd say our first week was a success. It got a little off track in the middle due to some interruptions, but we manage to make it through. I purposely designed Fridays mostly free to make up for any interruptions.

We continued on the path of Math, English, Handwriting, Dictation and the usual. However I will post what they accomplished for their other assignments.

Pokemon King:
He rolled a green for A Midsummer Night's Dream, which means he could do a short skit, act out the story using action figures, or write & perform an original song or poem retelling the story. He chose to act out the story with action figures, but it is too large to post. For three stories, he was fortunate to roll a red on the narration die, which means he got to draw a picture relating to the story.

This is from This Country of Ours:

This is from Robinson Crusoe. This is one of the stories he will be reading for himself.

This is from Madame How & Lady Why:

He, too rolled a green for Burgess's Animal Book, but the movie is too long to post as well. For these two stories, he rolled a red.

Tree in the Trail

An Island Story:

I've decided to go ahead and do Kindergarten things for Rocket this year. We are using Learning Language Arts Through Literature to learn to read. That is what I used with Pokemon King & Dinodude and it worked very well. He is also finishing the Explode the Code Primer Series. In addition to these we are reading various types of books and I'm also hoping to add in some kind of science. I didn't order Saxon Math 1, which is what I used for Kindergarten. I'm debating whether I should order it or just do some math things on our own. Rocket doesn't turn 5 until December, so I might wait until then. Right now, I would really just like to concentrate on teaching him to read.