Sunday, August 9, 2009

School Starts Tomorrow

We were going to start school last week, but we had a family reunion on Sunday, so we decided to wait a week. Plus, I didn't have everything ready to go anyway. So, this past week I've been getting everything ready. Pokemon King & Dinodude are all ready to go. I'm still working on a few things for Rocket.

Starting in the middle of this past year, we decided to do 3 terms of 12 weeks each. I've planned our whole year (which will probably get messed always does!) I've listed our Term 1 curriculum on the sidebar for those who are interested. We are still using Ambleside Online this year. Since we started it last year, I really feel they are progressing alot better than before. They are retaining so much more information and don't have to deal with boring textbooks.

I'm hoping to continue with weekly reports and to even do a better job! So, wish us luck! Here's hoping for a great new year!


Margot said...

Happy School Starting! I love the beginning of the year. We are going to get started a little this week as well. I'm going to use you as a reason to get our work done so the kids can get together to play!

Margot said...

Sorry to leave another comment but I just looked at your book list. I love the Holling books, Tree in the Trail etc. Beautiful Feet has a set of maps and teacher guide in the Geography section that is awesome. The maps are huge and after each daily reading they map the route in the story. It is really neat. If you want to borrow the teachers guide I have it you would just need to order the maps! I also have Seabird which came in my Sonlight that you are more than welcome to borrow as well.

Ines said...

Good luck! We're starting up again next week. I hate long breaks. Wish we had year-around school.