Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hello Autumn!

It's Autumntime! I really enjoy this time of year. I'm one of those people who really likes all four seasons. Once one season has run its course I am ready for the next one.

Summer is over. Goodbye shorts....hello pajama pants! Goodbye hot, humid weather...hello crisp, cool weather. Goodbye green grass (or brown grass)...hello orange, red & yellow leaves. Hello football! Hello Halloween! Hello pumpkins and apples!

Last week we completed our 6th week of homeschool, so we have this week off. I really wanted to actually take the boys some places this week. Unfortunately, Dinodude and Rocket have come down with a nasty cough. Sleep has been almost nonexistent for us this week. On the plus side, Bond found some cough syrup that actually works!!! Sadly, it's tastes terrible, so it's not easy for the boys to take it, but they've been such troopers about it.

Although our lack of sleep and sickness has hindered our activities, I did manage to update Babymoon's clothing and clean up his room. I also hung some pictures up in our Bonus Room. We had nothing on the wall in there. I recently had pictures taken of Wally, Pokemon King, Dinodude and Babymoon, so I wanted to update the room with some pictures. I also hung up some pictures in the upstairs hall. It was looking so bare. Now, it's a whole new area! I'm still hoping to attack the garage. Since we became a two car family again, Bond would like to be able to put his car in the garage too. I'm not sure how that's going to work, but we'll try it.


Anonymous said...

I love this time of year too! I also like the change in seasons here, but I still think fall is my favorite. I'm sorry you've gotten sickness at your house. We're still suffering from allergies around here.