Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy October!!!

I love October! Halloween is my favorite holiday, next to Christmas. After getting our decorations out, I realized we don't have nearly enough. I'm hoping to get some more after the holiday when they roll out the sales!

It's time to decide on costumes for this year. Bond is not a dress up kind of guy, although he did go as a Steelers fan one year. Boo-yeah! I told him one of these years we need to go as Thing 1 and Thing 2. Maybe this will be the year! As for the boys....we haven't decided yet. Dinodude keeps changing his mind. First he wanted to be Mario. Then he wanted to be a blood ghost. As of now he wants to be a skeleton clown. We don't know what he's going to be yet, but I know it won't be too scary. Pokemon King wants to be a Hobo. That's an easy one to do. Rocket wants to be the dinosaur he was last year, but I'm sure it wont fit him. We're trying to talk him into being Pikachu. We already have that costume.

So, to all who read this, please post any costume ideas (preferably very, very, very cheap!) that you have for any of us!

Bond & I started exercising this week. Today is day 4 of the P90X, a very intense workout program. It's going great and I'm hoping we can stick with it. I think since we are doing it together, we'll be able to continue with it. Now we just need to work on nutrition. And that is for ALL of the family!


Jenny said...

Um, let's see...does Kian want to be a big care bear...cause I've got you covered if he does! As for ideas, I'm low on them this seems like Halloween is sneaking right up on us! I too feel the need to rangle up some more decorations...have you ever heard of Flower Factory? They have some great deals there and it's not too expensive (not that either of us "richies" are worried about that right?) All I have to say is that if you are thing 1/2 this year, you must come trick-or-treating to my house so I can get a good giggle!