Monday, February 25, 2008

FHE Monday

Today was Family Home Evening. We used to do it on Sundays, but now that church time has changed to 1-4pm, it got too hard to squeeze it in. (not that we squeeze it in, anyway!) So, we do our movie on Sunday, but have the lesson on Monday.

Tonight's lesson was given by Wally. He did a wonderful lesson on the Ten Commandments. First, he had us list all the commandments. We did pretty well. For some reason none of us thought of the one about keeping the Sabbath day holy. Hmmm, maybe we need to work on that one!!! Well, Dinodude and Pokemon King were chiming right in, but I had to laugh when Dinodude shouted out, "Thou shalt not perish!" He was so sincere and it was hard not to laugh. But, we congratulated him and told him that although it wasn't one of the ten commandments, it was a great one! We really don't want to die, right? After we listed them all, Wally gave us a word search which he so creatively invented himself. Then he had us each read some scriptures. He's growing into a fine young man and we are so proud of him!

Rocket's been saying his prayers all by himself lately. He does a great job, too! It's a wonderful thing to be able to ask who wants to say the prayer and have everyone shout, "I do!" What a beautiful sound that is! We're working on trying to get him out of his crib.
He's been telling us he wants to sleep in the big bed! He has a regular size mattress on the floor, so at night that's where we say our prayers and read our stories. So, we get him in there, sing our songs, say our good nights, then I walk out of the room. Within 5 seconds, I hear, "Mom!" So, I go in and he says, "I need seep in da twib." Thankfully, he is starting to stay in the big bed longer. I'm glad he's at least trying it!


Ines said...

Sounds like a great lesson. The "Thou shalt not perish" commandment should be legalized. Wouldn't want to break that one!