Friday, April 11, 2008

Guess Where We Spent Most of Our Friday Morning!

At the Urgent Care! Pokemon King and Dinodude were doing their play fights. (You know the ones where I keep telling them someone is bound to get hurt?!) Well, Pokemon King got hurt. He fell on our floor speaker and took a nice chunk out of head. Yuck! I never know when the injury calls for stitches and I really wanted to avoid a hospital visit, so I asked a wonderful member of our church, who is a doctor, to take a look at it. He said he needed stitches, so off we went. Apparently Urgent Care was having some kind of 'special' day because the waiting room was packed! So, we had to 'patiently' wait. We probably waited in the waiting room about an hour and 15 minutes. When we got back to the room, the doctor came in quite quickly. She looked it over, went to get her assistant and off she went to stitch up Pokemon King. He did very well. The only part he wasn't happy was when she gave him the numbing shot. After that, he was ok. Since he, Dinodude and Rocket were very well behaved, we stopped at Walmart and got Lunchables for them. Except Rocket, who has a milk allergy. He got some little Oreos.

So, of course, no school today, which is probably a good thing. I redid my wall timeline and the den is a mess. So, I'm off to clean it up!

So, how was your day???


Ines said...

Mothers have such a great sixth sense when it comes to stuff like this. I always warn my kids several times, because I KNOW someone is going to get hurt. But do they ever listen? Sooner or later somebody will bawl - and then it's too late. It's happened too many times to count in our family. I'm so sad that he had to get stitches. That's quite dramatic. Vanessa had to get stitches in her hand once, and I had to bribe her with $10.00 to get them out. Hope you're having a better week.