Thursday, October 25, 2007

Almost Over

I went to the Urgent Care on Sunday just to confirm that I did indeed have bronchitis! Yuck! Never had it. I figured something must be wrong with me, considering I couldn't speak for 4 days! Still have a bit of a cough, sore throat mostly gone, and my voice is almost back. I do sound a lot worse than I feel, so that's good. I got 3 different kinds of medicine. One is to kill the bacteria, one to dry up my sinuses, and the other is a cough syrup that is supposed to help me sleep. Well, the cough syrup, which cost $40, doesn't do diddly-squat! It doesn't stop the cough and it doesn't help me sleep. I do feel it kind of relaxing my body, but it doesn't make me a bit drowsy. I'm only supposed to use it as needed, but I told hubby that I'm going to use it all up, since we paid so much for it!

We got back down to school on Wednesday. It was rough, not just for me, but for the boys. They've had so much time off it was hard to get back on schedule. Today we're doing much better. 9 year old is actually doing his work without complaining, 6 year old is intent on making as much noise as possible, and 2 year old is building a tower out of my supply boxes. I did manage to make 4 loaves of bread this morning. For once, I think they actually rose quite a bit, too! I just hope I didn't burn the bottoms! I even got a roast in the crockpot! I did forget to add the potatoes, so I might just have to make mashed potatoes instead. I love my crockpot! I just need to use it more. The problem is that 9 year old doesn't like anything from the crockpot. In actuality, he doesn't like any food I make! I'm hoping he'll grow out of that very soon!