Thursday, January 31, 2008

Boring Update

We are just traipsing along. Nothing new has been going on. Same old, same old. Schooling here, playing there. The boys have been getting along quite nicely with each other, with only a few minor incidents.

Albus has decided that he now wants to be known as Wally. This is due the fact that he was in the play Our Town at school, and that is what everyone calls him. Plus, Albus is considered old. But, now that he's in the Music Man, I wonder if he will want to be called Traveling Salesman?! Hmmm.

Despite the fact that it is roughly 26 degrees outside, Rocket has decided to remove his pants and socks. I've tried to put them on, but they just come back off. What's the point? He has also recently discovered he can climb in and out of his crib. I'm actually thinking that is awesome, so we can work towards getting him out of the crib and into a bed. By this time, my other boys were done with naps and sleeping in regular beds. Rocket still takes his naps and does quite well. Of course, we don't want that to change, do we! He is just so picky and does not like any change whatsoever. I thought that each time he'd go down for his nap or sleep, he would just climb out, but surprisingly he hasn't. That would involved change, wouldn't it?