Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Rocket turned 3 on Sunday. Wow! I cannot believe how fast he is growing! We're celebrating his birthday this weekend, although he did open our gifts on Sunday. He's been into watching Toy Story lately, so he got Woody for Christmas and we decided to get him Buzz for his birthday. The three of them are practically inseparable!

It's that time of year again! Resolutions! Or Attempting Resolutions. Making the list is so much easier than sticking to it!

Here's mine, so far. I'll probably continue to add to it:
  • Relax
  • Read Scriptures more (I read, just not as often as I should!)
  • Play more games with my boys
  • Spend more time with Bond
  • Go with the flow
I think I'll stick to those for right now. I might add more later and I'll probably post them on my sidebar to keep track! Usually for Family Home Evening we sit down and make some goals both as a family and individually. Then I make a chart (surprise!) for each person. We'll see if we can do that again this year. The boys seem to like it, but once again, making the list is easier than following through!