Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Recap

Well, another Christmas quickly surpassed. Unfortunately, Albus spent most of it in his room. Not because he was in trouble, but because he was sick! Pokemon King (formerly Pokemon Master: he'd rather be known as king instead!) had it on Sunday and Monday. He had the worst headache. He even asked to be taken to the doctor! You know when your child asks you to take him to the doctor, there must be something wrong! I was getting ready to take him, but Rocket (who went home from church Sunday with a fever!) fell asleep on me, so Bond ended up taking him. Pokemon King just had a virus, so he got some medicine to stop the pain and we got him some Delsym to take for his cough. Fortunately, Bond didn't get it. I have a bit of a cough, but I'm doing my best to not cough!

The boys got some wonderful gifts this year.

Albus got an mp3 player, a Harry Potter collector's pen, some clothes, and a few other things.
Pokemon King got some legos, Pokemon and some other things.
Dinodude got Star Wars figures, Spiderman figures, Nightmare Before Christmas figures, and some other things.
Rocket got the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey Mouse & Little Einstein figures, clothes, and some other things.

Bond got some pajama pants and Spiderman 3. He actually had to return Spiderman 3, since unbeknownst to us, the boys had already gotten him Spiderman 3 on blue-ray! I was wondering why they were pushing for me to get him Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer! Next time, I'll know better!
I got a nice church dress, Pirates of the Caribbean chocolate bar (which surprisingly is still wrapped!) and Bond sent me on a treasure hunt! He had recently taken Pokemon King to see National Treasure 2, so I'm sure that was his inspiration! It was very creative and quite difficult! I did need a few hints, but it was fun. At the end, the treasure was an Olive Garden gift card, a home fragrance thing, some candles, and a bunch of balloons with tiny pieces of paper in them. On the papers were written things like: 1 week no bathrooms; 1 week no laundry; 1 week no sweeping and mopping; 1 week no cooking, etc. How awesome is he! What an amazing man I'm married to! Although I did have to ask him if he's going to do them, or if I'm just allowed to let the chores go for a week, in which case, they would all pile up! Come to think of it, he never really answered me! ;)


Ines said...

The treasure hunt Bond sent you on is such a fun idea. Very creative. Do these things he promised actually come true?