Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

2008 was a crazy year. 2009 will probably be just as crazy, if not crazier! I've always been one to make resolutions. But, I've also been one to never keep them! This year might be different, might not. Who knows?! Here's a few to get me going:

  • Get in shape. Isn't this on everyone's list? I still have some baby bulge left. I'm hoping to get rid of it so I can fit into more of my pants.
  • Get on a schedule with school. We've been too relaxed. Although we've been getting our school done, it takes the majority of the day. I want to get out of that routine. I want to be done either by lunch or shortly after. It is harder since Bond is usually home during the day. We all just want to hang out with him.
  • Keep up with the house. The last few days we've been doing okay. If everyone pitches in and does their chores, it stays pretty nice. The major problem is Dinodude not putting his toys away when he's done. He gets something out and plays for a while, then leaves it out. He keeps telling me he's going to play later, but he never does.
  • Get out of the house. This one's really hard for me. I'm such a homebody. I'm completely content staying in the house all day. I'm hoping to do some nature walks with the boys and have them keep a nature journal.
  • Help Pokemon King earn his Webelos badge.
  • Do better with my church callings.
  • Read more. I've been reading the Twilight series. I'm halfway through the third book now. After that series, I'll need some suggestions, so let me know what some good books are.

I think that's more than enough things I won't be able to 'resolute.' So, we shall see how it goes.

In the meantime, I wish you a very Happy New Year!!!


Ines said...

I don't like new year resolutions. Too much pressure. I already know what I need to do. It seems to be the same each year. Does that mean that I'm not getting ahead? Not a very positive thought.
If you need a new series to read, I highly recommend the "Great and Terrible" series by Chris Stewart. It's awesome!