How long has it been? January! Sheesh!!! What could possibly be more important than keeping up to date on the blog? Busy times are upon us. As of now, we are at least all healthy. Over the past few months someone has been known to be sick. The worst was Bond, but thankfully, he is all better now.
Valentine's Day came and went.
St. Patrick's Day came and went.
Easter is almost here. Does my house show it? Not in the slightest! I need to get those decorations out! Otherwise the Easter Bunny might just pass us over.
School is going well. Not much to report other than the usual, so I won't bore you with the details.
The time change has really messed me up. But, it's done wonders for Babymoon, who still goes to bed around 7:45pm and sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00am. And he still takes a nap. Of course, now that I've mentioned's over, right?
Bond and I started back up our exercising. We do it in the morning instead of the evening. Although it's a pain getting up, it's working much better. Too many things go on in the evenings...Chuck, 24, American Idol, Lost, etc. Just kidding...well...not really! Who wants to exercise when you can sit on your butt and put your eyes to work! Seriously, we are on Day 8 now and Bond has already lost 2 pounds! I haven't checked my weight yet. I'm not sure if I really want to! Having him exercise with me makes all the difference in the world. I'm not sure if I would do it if he wasn't right there by my side!