Friday, December 21, 2007

4 More Days

Our shopping is done, the wrapping is almost done, the decorations have been done for weeks, school is out (although today is the last day for Albus). Christmas is rapidly approaching.

Rocket was up early this morning: 5:45. Lately, he's been sleeping until 6:15-6:30. He watched Blue's Clues-Blue's Big Holiday and A Snowy Day about 3 times each! For a while he was only watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins, but now he's branched off to Blue's Clues and Toy Story!

As I went upstairs to his room to get him some clean clothes, I walked past Pokemon Master & Dinodude's room. I happened to notice a sign on the door that said:

Poke-diaper-dino-wizards club meeting-DO NOT DISTURB!!!

I don't know what they were meeting about, but it must've been very important! Then they moved their meeting to the basement. What are those sneaky boys up to???

So, here's my to do list for today:

  • Go to JoAnn's for some supplies
  • laundry (as usual)
  • finish candy molds
  • make the cutout cookies
  • drop off 11 bags....yup 11 bags....of donatable (is that a word?) stuff
  • file school papers
We went through the toys and the boys' clothes. They were very charitable this year. We got rid of quite a bit of toys and clothes. So, the day isn't too jam packed. I'm sure there's lots of other things that need to get done, but we'll stick with that for now!