Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh my! I haven't posted in almost a week! What is wrong with me?

I keep saying I'll do a weekly report and I never do. It's not like we aren't doing any school. We are! I think I just get tired of scanning everything in. I think I'll just lay things out and take pictures. That'd be a lot easier!

So, until then, here's a pictureless report:

MATH: Still prodding through Saxon Math 65. Each day he seems to be getting done sooner. Even better, he's not missing a lot of problems. The ones he does miss, he misses because of a silly mistake: reading the problem wrong, writing the problem down wrong, rushing so he can't read his handwriting, etc.
ENGLISH: We use Rod and Staff. We do the oral section...well...orally, of course! The written section gets done only if there is no worksheet. He would much rather do the worksheet over the book!
SPELLING: Spelling Workout. Nothing fancy here. Pretest, one page a day, test, done. Rarely does his miss alot.
READING: Pathway Readers. He enjoys these. I have him do the workbooks, but only the side that asks about the story.
HANDWRITING: A Reason for Handwriting. He does well here. Only problem we face is the way he holds his pencil. I've been trying to get him to hold it better. The way he holds it now is going to cause problems in the future.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: We're using Rosetta Stone German. I'm actually learning as well. I have to do the lessons first to check for all the clowns! Pokemon Master hates clowns!

MATH: Saxon 2. He's very good in math and picks things up very quickly. We do the time tests, then one side of the page. If he's struggling with something, we'll do the other side, but that rarely happens.
ENGLISH: LLATL-The Red Book. Very easy, laid out plans. One lesson a week.
SPELLING: Spelling Workout. Again, nothing fancy.
READING: Pathway Readers. Nothing fancy here. Read the book, do the worksheet. His reading skills are quickly improving and we love these stories!
HANDWRITING: A Reason for Handwriting. He likes to rush these. One of these days, I really am going to make him redo some!

SCIENCE: Apologia-Botany. It's actually kind of boring, but there are some sections that catch our attention. Most of it we just talk about, although they do a notebook page here and there.
HISTORY: This is our struggle. We were using SOTW 4, but it just seemed way over their heads. So, we use the Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History. We read the section, narrate or outline, then do a map if there is one.
TYPING: Spongebob Typing. They absolutely love this! In fact, I love it as well! Of course, being the master typer I am, I just whiz right through!
MUSIC & ART: These are more a hit or miss. I schedule them on Fridays, but some Fridays I'm just burnt out from the week, we're lucky if we can do them. We are trying to study the Impressionists. We did Monet and Pisarro and next week I'm hoping to do Degas.

He just complete the Letter of the Week Curriculum for 2 year olds. We just started the 3 year old one today. He's about 4 weeks shy of being 3, but he's so bright, I thought we'd go ahead and start! (Proud Mom Alert!) We talked about the letter A, and a few words that start with A. We read a poem called The Apple Tree, which has hand movements. We actually read it 5 times because he loves it so much. We also talked about Adam and Eve and we read How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World. I don't think he liked that as much as I did. I told him how they had a recipe for Apple Pie in the back. He says to me, "We tan mate apple pie in titchen?" (Translation: We can make apple pie in the kitchen?) I told him we could, but not until later in the week!

Ok, so there's our weekly report. Not much of a weekly report, but very long reading! My apologies! Hopefully as Christmas unfolds some more, we'll have some projects and activities I can actually post. Until then, it's the same ol', same ol'!


Christopher Engelsma said...

how does Rosetta stone work? what sort of lessons do you have to do? you like it?

Bondfam said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

Rosetta Stone is a computer program that uses different pictures. It uses a series of pictures and you have to identify what is going on. We're not very far, but we've done things like, the man has blue hair, the old woman has white hair, the house is old, the man and the woman are dancing, etc. It also shows you a picture and gives you a list of words. You have to come up with a sentence that goes with what's going on in the picture.

We really like it. They have a demo cd you can get. Here's the website:

We use the homeschool version.