Obviously there are many things that I am thankful for. I could spend the entire day listing them.
As I sit here in the early morning of peace and quiet, something that is usually not present in our home, I am thinking how wonderful it is that I have the opportunity to homeschool my children. Granted, we don't always have good days. There are also those days where I seem to doubt I am doing the right thing or using the right curriculum and so on. After reading and hearing many of the things that go on in some of the schools these days, I realize my kids don't need to be around that. Too much wasted time. Too many bullies. Too much homework. Too much sitting at a desk. Too much boredom. Too much language they don't need to hear. I could go on!
Lately our school days seem to take up the entire day! I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but the fact is that Chaos CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be left alone! At this age, Dinodude would just play with his toys or watch dinosaur shows with his 'goldfish and juice.' Rocket would just play or sit on my lap. Chaos....well, he still likes to get into things...draw on walls, play in the bathroom, climb on the counters. So in order to get anything done, the boys need to be assigned to watch and play with him. So, it adds more time to our day. I just remind myself that it'll all work out. Eventually there will be a time where we can all be in the same room working on school. Or, am I just kidding myself?
Regardless, I love being a homeschooling mom. And on the days I question that...I just remember what I saw on the news or what I read. Then, I remember how much I love my children and that I would do anything for them and to protect them.