Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Ten

I think today's ten will be ten places I would like to visit or vacation. I'm ready for a vacation anyway!

  1. Hawaii-Bond and I went to Maui and Kauai on our honeymoon, but I'd love to go back to some of the other islands.
  2. Italy-Well, I am Italian...need I say more?
  3. Germany-We went there in 1997 to pick up Bond's brother from his mission. I was pregnant with Pokemon King at the time and Wally was only 4 years old. We got to visit Bond's grandparents and other relatives as well. It was a very nice experience and I'd love to go back.
  4. Stonehenge-I'm not really sure why I want to go here. Could possibly have something to do with Clark Griswold knocking it down...I want to make sure it's still there, I guess!
  5. Australia-Crikey!! It looks like it would be a very nice place to visit. From movies, it looks like the scenery is gorgeous!
  6. Egypt-What can I say...I love studying Ancient Egypt. I think it would be awesome to see the pyramids in person.
  7. Japan-I know Pokemon King would love to visit Japan since that is where Pokemon originated! I think the architecture would be especially neat to see.
  8. Bahamas-Oh yeah!! Beach, sun, sand, etc. What could be better?
  9. Ireland-Mostly for the scenery. I've seen a few movies that were filmed in Ireland and it looks so beautiful and peaceful!
  10. Russia-The only reason I want to visit here is to see if there is snow all year round. Every single movie I see, there is ALWAYS snow in Russia.