Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Ten

Ten things that I carry with me at all times....

(no particular order)

  1. Cell phone-I would be totally lost without it!
  2. Money-Just like Mom always said, "Make sure you have a quarter in case you need to make a phone call!" Of course, that was eons before they had cell phones! But, you never know when you look at that gas gauge and find that it's on E and you don't have enough gas to get home!
  3. Wipes-Travelling with children, someone is bound to get something sticky, dirty, muddy, yucky, etc., all over!
  4. Band-aids-Yes...they do fix that owie!
  5. Diapers-Hoping I won't have to travel with these too much longer. But, in a way, I don't mind because that still means I have a baby!
  6. Snacks-Really, these are just for the kids. :)
  7. Gum-It's very important to have fresh breath at all times!
  8. Chapstick-Not just for the winter, either. I like to have one that has sunblock in it.
  9. Hand Sanitizer (or as Chaos calles it...HANDITIZER...which I think is more appropriate anyway!)-After pumping that well needed gas, changing a diaper, and cleaning up those snack messes....well...that's a given!
  10. Purse/Bag-Where else is everything going to go?


Maria said...

I think I carry most of those things at all times too, except maybe money because I never have any!

And #6...SURE they're just for the kids! LOL!